There are really only three things to consider when talking about diamonds. Heat, pressure, and time. There is far more to consider however when talking about Halifax’s Diamond City. The year-old rock trio brings so many elements to its debut album Therapy that you might have better luck mining an actual diamond than covering it all. Continue reading Halifax Rock Trio Diamond City Shine Bright on Debut Album ‘Therapy’
Tag Archives: Music
‘Can’t Let Go’ Is Adam Baxter’s Vow to Never Give Up on Music in Any Capacity
Adam Baxter, like a lot of musicians, regularly wears a multitude of hats. He splits his time between the stage and the classroom. His career is divided between that of a high school band director in Central Newfoundland and a singer-songwriter who regularly criss-crosses the province. While some have said that’s one hat too many, for Baxter it’s more than a choice, it’s a passion.
“Can’t Let Go,” Adam Baxter’s latest single, is his response to anyone who has said to find success, he must first find focus. He’s not about to give up either career path. Continue reading ‘Can’t Let Go’ Is Adam Baxter’s Vow to Never Give Up on Music in Any Capacity
Kids Losing Sleep Lean Right Into 2021 With ‘We Are a Mess’
Kids Losing Sleep’s latest emo-driven single is another one of those twist songs, written in the early half of 2019 only to find its relevance increasing the further we wander down this timeline. “We Are A Mess” is right on brand for 2021.
Continue reading Kids Losing Sleep Lean Right Into 2021 With ‘We Are a Mess’
With ‘Folk for Little Folk’ Gordie MacKeeman Reminds Us What It Is to Be a Kid
With the last days of summer licking at our shores, scores of parents are getting ready to send the kids back to school; packing away the summer clothes and camping gear, and wondering to themselves what they are going to do to keep the little ones entertained as the days get shorter, and conditions for outdoor activities become less favourable. Continue reading With ‘Folk for Little Folk’ Gordie MacKeeman Reminds Us What It Is to Be a Kid
Get Real! Are in Search of a Lost ‘Daphne’ Blue Stratocaster
Songs about lost loves are about a dime a dozen, and the authors—or victims—of each one will tell you that theirs was special, that there was no love quite like theirs and, as a result, their song inherently rings out with the purity of a uniquely heartfelt experience.
Cookie cutter. The lot of them. They each pale in comparison to real suffering like the totally incomparable to the heartbreak experienced by Get Real! guitarist and vocalist, Andrew MacDonald, who once gave up a subpar Stratocaster and it has haunted him ever since. Continue reading Get Real! Are in Search of a Lost ‘Daphne’ Blue Stratocaster