Pillow Fite Succumb to the Depths of Their Own Despair on ‘Alkali’

The average volume of a human tear is something like 6.2 microlitres, which, scientifically speaking, is very very small. It would take the entire population of Halifax to each cry 5,794,024 tears to fill an Olympic swimming pool, never mind—as Justin Timberlake has suggested—an entire river. Pillow Fite, the up-and-coming queer folk-pop duo of Art … Continue reading Pillow Fite Succumb to the Depths of Their Own Despair on ‘Alkali’

Brielle Ansems Turns a Difficult Subject Into Something Beautiful With ‘Hillsborough Bridge’

Not all subjects are easy to talk about, and they’re certainly not any easier to put into song. The key to making great art, however, seems to be going straight at what scares you and Prince Edward Island alternative pop-folk artist Brielle Ansems has done that with emotional candour. “Hillsborough Bridge,” Ansems’ latest single cuts … Continue reading Brielle Ansems Turns a Difficult Subject Into Something Beautiful With ‘Hillsborough Bridge’