The Saint John Stone Sculpture Symposium

The Saint John Stone Sculpting Symposium began with fire and brimstone, and massive flows of lavaĀ moving across great scathes of our fair province. Fortunately for everyone involved the last 390 million years has given things plenty of time to cool down; bystanders andĀ artistsĀ alikeĀ have little more to be concerned about than the lingering clouds of Devonian … Continue reading The Saint John Stone Sculpture Symposium

Tom Smith, Kayleigh Kristiansen & The No Fun Zone

It is July, and the annual Picaroon’s Brewer’s Bash in Fredericton is a hipster’s paradise; a sea of humanity awash in sunshine, plaid, beards, and beer, punctuated with islands of live music and performance art. No fewer than sixty-three different craft brewers from across Canada had gathered around Officer’s Square this year, each dispensing a … Continue reading Tom Smith, Kayleigh Kristiansen & The No Fun Zone

Phil Savage Stands Still Long Enough To Talk

Phil Savage and I are standing in a parking lot on a Tuesday evening. There’s a strong wind blowing, making it hard to hear, but I’m glad that for once this season it’s come without rain.Ā This is the only time all summer thatĀ I’ve been able to getĀ Phil to stand still long enough to talk, not … Continue reading Phil Savage Stands Still Long Enough To Talk

John England Swears He’s Not a Photographer

John England is lying on my living room sofa with his feet up. He is not wearing socks, which isnā€™t unusual for John; Iā€™ve only ever seen him wearing socks once,Ā on a day I had boughtĀ him a pair. He tells me itā€™s a ā€˜Californian thingā€™, but I suspect itā€™s a ā€˜John thingā€™. The occasion, forĀ which … Continue reading John England Swears He’s Not a Photographer