Tomato/Tomato Release Video For ‘Toss It All Away’

Today, Tomato/Tomato‘s John and Lisa McLaggan announced the release of their first video, ‘Toss It All Away’. “The song is about those days where you just want to throw in the towel and disappear from the world a bit; just live off the land with your family”, Lisa tells me. Suitable to the song’s themes, the video … Continue reading Tomato/Tomato Release Video For ‘Toss It All Away’

Stephen Scott, The Definitive Neopostromantic

Stephen Scott scribbles a string of letters along the bottom edge of a newspaper, before tearing it off. “That’s me, that’s what I am,” he says, passing it to me. The letters, all capitals, spell out NEOPOSTROMANTIC. Nearly everything else he’s said has gone well over my head,  but I’m fairly certain this word is as unique as Stephen. I ask … Continue reading Stephen Scott, The Definitive Neopostromantic

William Forrestall: 6000 Years In The Making

The classroom assumed an errant look of careful artistry; large tables are crowding the small space and every surface is coated in chalk dust. The congested space resonates with the voices of sixty or more students, all of which are immediately silenced upon the entrance of a man clothed in a forest green corduroy jacket, hazel … Continue reading William Forrestall: 6000 Years In The Making