In Review: Saint John Theatre Company’s 937 – The Voyage of the St. Louis

Two years ago, Saint John Theatre Company‘s artistic director Stephen Tobias experienced Two Planks AndĀ A Passion Theatre‘s productionĀ of 937 – The Spirit of St LouisĀ at the AtlanticĀ FRINGE Festival and knew he wanted to share this experience with the Saint John community. This unique production explores the story of one Jewish family escaping Nazi persecution and … Continue reading In Review: Saint John Theatre Company’s 937 – The Voyage of the St. Louis

Mike Trask From Mudhill To The Precious Memories

ā€œAdam Mowery told me that everyone in Saint John looks like theyā€™re having the worst day of their life, and this is a good corner to observe that. Thatā€™s why I sit here,” says Mike Trask sitting in the diner on the corner of Union and Waterloo, or for the geographically-minded, the intersection of Strip … Continue reading Mike Trask From Mudhill To The Precious Memories

The House On Kennedy Street

The old Indiantown of Saint John’s North End is not the sort of place you would expect to find a hotbed of culture, it’s barely made it into the 21st century. The modern trappings of power lines haveĀ crept across neglected homes and often derelict buildings like vines. The old carriageways haven’t seen a lot of … Continue reading The House On Kennedy Street