70 Things You Can Do With A Skateboard

Back in my day, the term ‘skateboarder’ was synonymous with ‘hooligan’. They were portrayed as ruffians, and law-breakers, and the bullies in every afterschool special. For every Marty McFly (who even then was a rather ambivalent agent of karma) there were ten Griff Tannens. But a couple of decades (and three awesome movies) later, skaters have shed that … Continue reading 70 Things You Can Do With A Skateboard

Getting Our Feet Wet At Paddlefest 2015

St. Andrews is one of New Brunswick’s greatest treasures. The small seaside town is a beautiful spot to do anything, or absolutely nothing. It’s provided a retreat for artists, and it’s the first stop for tourists this side of the American border. So when it came time for this year’s annual Paddlefest, we sent down … Continue reading Getting Our Feet Wet At Paddlefest 2015

In Review: SJTC’s The Great Gatsby

As a rule, nothing is ever as good as the book. Tackling F. Scott Fitzgerald’s magnum opus, possibly the great American novel, and filling the shoes of some of literature’s most eminent characters is no small task. One need only look back as recently as Baz Luhrmann’s over-produced, over-hyped, and ultimately disappointing 2013 screen adaptation to … Continue reading In Review: SJTC’s The Great Gatsby

Bob Boudreau: Making It Big In The Small Time

When I was growing up my father built a model railroad. Its first incarnation was nothing more than a plywood sheet with a couple of tracks running around a station, but it dominated our small garage. It later came to reside in the basement of our new house where it expanded; stucco mountains and lichen forests appeared, a small town … Continue reading Bob Boudreau: Making It Big In The Small Time