Burn Your Bridges in the Shifty Bits Circus: Inf4rno

Once a year for the last four years, the Shifty Bits Cult has latched onto downtown Fredericton and used this willing host for their annual Circus music festival. The music collective’s terrifying dreams become a reality, through different themes, and this year they’ve been dreaming of Dante. “Through me you go amongst the lost people.”

Why You Should Be Listening To Kill Chicago Right Now

Greg Webber is going to die on stage. He’s going to be up there drenched in sweat, veins bulging from his neck, singing his guts out, when something is going to pop. He’s going to do it for you, and for rock and roll, and for all the blood, sweat, and tears that go into performing. Seeing Kill Chicago … Continue reading Why You Should Be Listening To Kill Chicago Right Now

In Review: KV Players’ The Addams Family

Bah da da dum *snap snap* Full Disclosure: torture is considered affection, screams are signs of satisfaction, and the inevitability of death is a source of comfort for the members of the Addams family. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying yourself, if it were possible! Director Suzanne Doyle-Yerxa brings the KV Players’ production … Continue reading In Review: KV Players’ The Addams Family

Todd Allen: Dark Fiction in Saint Andrews

Todd Allen has taken the plunge from reading books to writing them with his debut novel, Sacra Obscurum. Sacra Obscurum   grew from Allen’s first hand experience with New Brunswick’s mental health care system after he and his wife made an emergency trip to the hospital to visit a recently arrested family member. The process would … Continue reading Todd Allen: Dark Fiction in Saint Andrews