Pure Unfiltered Andy Brown

Andy Brown isn’t afraid to bare it all. Most of his fans are already intimately familiar with his soul;  his songwriting is a visceral  open-chest examination of heartache and wounds that may never heal. For Andy Brown that might not be enough. As a self-confessed ‘over-sharer’, he’s striving for that deeper connection with his audience, … Continue reading Pure Unfiltered Andy Brown

The Sins And Redemption of David R. Elliott

Since time immemorial there have stood two pillars which one must stand astride to ascend to the Kingdom of Rock; two blazing fires to be grasped and consumed by, only to rise again as a phoenix. To suffer and endure. What doesn’t kill you only gives you something to sing about later. David R. Elliott’s album ‘Sunshine’, released earlier … Continue reading The Sins And Redemption of David R. Elliott

Happy Birthday Messtival, Hope It’s Your Last

It’s not every day that you get to attend a friend’s wedding, let alone an impromptu topless ceremony in the midst of a music festival. But if you’re going to make a career of touring around festivals full time it’s bound to start happening, at least on the weekends. Festivals, by their nature, are designated drop-off … Continue reading Happy Birthday Messtival, Hope It’s Your Last