In Review: Red Necklace Productions’ ‘It’s All The Rage’

Art has always been used as a platform for social commentary. Shakespeare’s Othello taught us about gender inequality and racism. Picasso’s Guernica was a statement against atrocious Nazi bombings. Red Necklace Productions’ It’s All The Rage, directed by Alicia Drisdelle, exposes this generation’s biggest double edged sword—social media.

Shivering Songs And The Pursuit Of Winter Happiness

Mid-winter in the downtown core of Fredericton has a capricious disposition: the windchill flickers between pacific and caustic, the sidewalks are littered with icy pitfalls, and and our doses of heavy snowstorm seem wildly irregular. In spite of all this, the weather held at a moderate breeze over the weekend, and the temperature seemed to rise … Continue reading Shivering Songs And The Pursuit Of Winter Happiness