Today’s East Coast Christmas Guide is all about the adventurer in your life. Whether it’s hiking, skiing, or camping we’ve got something for everyone you know who loves to live on the edge.
Sussex Beard Oil Merchants
After an appearance on Dragon’s Den, the Sussex Beard Oil Merchants have been taking the facial hair industry by storm. They’ve created and developed products for grooming and caring for beards and moustaches. If you have someone in your life with dry and itchy facial hair then this is a perfect gift or stocking stuffer for them.

Tasha’s Dark Side
Tasha’s Dark Side, sold out of Urban Almanac in Fredericton, New Brunswick offers a wide variety of caffeine related products. With coffee soap scrubs, loose tea, and coffee blends, you’re bound to find something for the caffeine addicts on your gift list. P.S. Urban Almanac is a fantastic boutique shop with all kinds of other gift ideas. They’re worth sticking around to browse after you’ve picked up some of Tasha’s products.

Hammerthreads is a festival favourite in the Atlantic Canadian region. They hand make beautiful leather goods and natural crafts. Many of their works include beautiful lunar and nature imagery and they’ve even recently created nature inspired leather oil diffusers for your car — how’s that for creativity!? Created in Woodstock, New Brunswick, their goods are perfect for anyone who loves well crafted leather items like bags, cuffs, and jewelry.

Hammock Diva
So maybe we’re dealing with a big case of wishful thinking but Summer’s only six month away right!? And who wouldn’t want a hammock for their camping, cottage, or beach needs? Hammock Diva from Seabright, Nova Scotia creates beautiful, relaxing hammocks that just make you dream of warm breezes and beachy air. This is a great gift for the summer adventurer in your life — you know, the one that’s cuddled up in eight layers of clothing right now? This’ll be right up their alley.

Rustico Bay Wool Sweater Company
And on the opposite end of the spectrum, Rustico Bay Wool Sweater Company offers exquisite handmade wool sweaters and accessories. This gift can be for the outdoorsy type friend or family member or you can add a ninth layer to your summer adventurer to keep them warm while they wait for summer to get here.

Amos Pewter
Amos Pewter isn’t quite for your everyday rugged adventurer. In the world of bar accessories they’re definitely more of a glamping piece but that didn’t stop us from putting them on our list. We’re particularly enthralled by the bar accessories although they do offer jewelry, home decor items, and more. You could probably pick up something everyone on your list in their online shop. Definitely worth checking out!

Tomorrow we’ll be guiding you on your purchase journey for those music lovers in your life. Come back to catch the beat on what’s hot for music related Christmas gifts this season.
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