You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. The same, no doubt, holds true that you shouldn’t judge an album for its cover, but there’s nothing wrong with judging a cover as a cover. A good album cover might relate to its lyrical content, but more often than not, it’s the glitzy bit of packaging that draws us in, and in that regard, is a deserving art form in its own right. It’s that physical keepsake from a live show, a canvas for the band’s autographs, and the liner notes flipped through on the first, or umpteenth, listening. It’s an integral part of the whole musical experience. Here are what we think are some of the best that the East Coast has to offer. Long live the album cover.
#5 | Matt Mays + El Torpedo

2005 will forever be remembered as the year that Cocaine Cowgirl was completely inescapable.
#4 | Grand Theft Bus – The Birth of Confusion

Another great source of summer jams, and ubiquitous documentary soundtracks. Always wondered what the gnome gets up to.
#3 | Jill Barber – Mischievous Moon

Jill Barber has got a classic look, like this album should only ever be listened to on vinyl.
#2 | Kim Harris – Only The Mighty

Is that a lion? And snow? Are we dorks? Then we’re guessing that’s Narnia. Definitely a win for Kim Harris.
#1 | Leo LaFleur – Love & Fortune

Leo LaFleur based his album on Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, and not to be outdone, artist Adam Oehlers has woven a whole story into the album art. Perhaps its not coincidence that the album is up for CBC’s Searchlight as Regional Semi-Finalists.
Anything we missed? Something we didn’t think of that you think belongs in the list? Disagree with our choices and want to pick a fight? Leave it in the comments.